Research Practice

Proprietary Research

Assignments address specific needs of our clients. Many are devoted to assessing opportunities in new markets as well as refining current offerings in existing markets.

Others assignments concern developing market intelligence and quantifying the distribution of building, tool and other products from manufacture to ultimate end-users. Still other studies encompass the design and refinement of products and services and the determination of their acceptance by the marketplace.

Typical Range of Research Assignments

Benchmarking Studies

Competitive Intelligence Research

Customer Experience Assessments

Distribution and Channel Analysis

M & A Transaction Support

Market Entry Feasibility Studies

Market Overview Research

New Product & Concept Evaluations

Problem Detection & Needs Assessments

Quantification Research

Stage Gate Product Development Support

Stated vs Derived Needs Importance Analysis

Value Chain Research

Value Curve Research & Analysis​
Multi-Sponsored Research

Ciprus multi-sponsored research closely resembles our proprietary research practice and is most often quantitative in nature. Research samples are most often in excess of 1,000 interviews and can range to 2,000. 

The issues and objectives are often quite complex and result in a robust body of data that provides subscribers with the ability to take deep dives into the data. 

Charter Subscribers to multi-client studies are able to take part in the study design, methodology and sample selection. 

How clients typically use Ciprus multi-sponsored research:

Competitive Analysis
Strategic Planning
Business Development
Market Planning
Development of Standards

Market Assessments
Brand Share Analysis
Market Entry Feasibility
Distribution & Channel Analysis
Capital Expansion Decisions

Contract & Residential Upholstery Textiles
Exterior Residential Cladding
Light Gage Steel Framing